Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

10 Questions

Somebody posted this picture on Twitter. And if I read those questions, I think it is worth thinking about and answering them for myself.

1. Are you doing what you truly want to do?
No. Like most of the people I am not doing what I am truly wanted to do! I always wanted travelling the world, researching Antarctica, researching Bear Island, being an astronaut, jet fighter pilot, and so on.
What am I doing? Well, I am constructing machines. I like that job pretty much, but it is definitely not what I truly want to do. For some things (dreams) it is not too late, yet. So I am still working on some to be fulfilled.
2. How many promises you have and how many of them you have fulfilled?
Don`t know! Maybe it is 50:50. Can`t say that. I know that I have not fulfilled many promises, but I also have fulfilled many.
3. Will you break the rule because of something/ someone you care about!
Yes! Definitely will!
4. Is there anything you can`t let go of but you know you should?
Yes, there some things I can’t let go of.
My former job as a coalminer, for example. That was really a cool job. And if I had the chance to go back to it, I would do it.
5. Do you remember anyone you hated 10 years ago? Does it matter now?
I don`t remember anyone. I know people which really killed my nerves, but I can`t say, that I hated anyone of them!
6. If you die now, would you have any regrets?
Yes. But looking back to my life as it has been, I must say, it was good they way it was until now
7. Are you afraid of making mistakes, even though there`s no punishment at all?
Making mistakes is a way to learn. As long as you do not make a mistake twice it is no shame to make some. Everybody deserves a second chance! Life is full of mistakes! If somebody claims that he/she never made a mistake in life, I am sure that it is a person that never reached something. So I am not afraid to make mistakes!
8. What is the difference between you and most of the other people?
Don`t know. Every person is unique.
9. Are you doing what you truly want to do?
See Question No. 1
10. If today` d be the end of the world, what`d you do?
Grabbing my girlfriend, driving with her to the Alps and climb on a hill to enjoy the last sunset and telling her how she made my life worth living.

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